Isolation Without Separation

Project Name "Isolation Without Separation"

Building Type
Ebola isolation Unit


Concept/Unbuilt LTU, USA




The intention was to visualize and represent a speculative proposition responding to the research and analysis that is done on a contagious disease, its response, and the human disease ecology. Representing my own position and argument for a pandemic future in conjunction with having the imagination and vision of a possible future for a retreat in the context of a pandemic. Choosing “Ebola”, as an epidemic and responding to that. A modular system based on a traditional family housing system was implemented using a protective shell to protect from animal/human direct interaction without losing the importance of natural entourage, the wilderness, and human communication. The intention was to create a quick response to a fast-acting virus, responding to infected, protecting non-infected people while preserving the traditional family bond, taking into consideration dignity, decreasing stigma, and above all responding “humanly”.