Speaking Projects

I always had this great belief that architecture and design are crucial in our life whether in each person way of life or as a whole society, and it works on our emotion, so Architecture and Design are not only a work that has a certain shapes or has it’s own function but each project should let us feel a certain mood, reflecting our thoughts and working on our emotions while being in a certain space, using a certain object or even by walking beside a building, so each project of architecture and design should have a Spirit , expression and should communicate with people, it is a Speaking Architecture. I think we all agree that internal or external Architecture and designed product all play a big role in our function, mood and emotion. One of the most important causes of our happiness or sadness is the quality of our environment and our surroundings. 

There is always a philosophical description of the attachment and relation between the owner, people and Architecture, and that one great architecture task is to render vivid to us who we might ideally be, our intentions and the power that a single room or single element can posses. In addition that Architecture and Design should posses moral messages and emulate its spirit.